What does your inner fire have to say?


🔥We all have a burning ember within, our Inner Fire.🔥

Often it's what gest us out of bed in the morning, nudges us out the door for the adventure, steps us into every relationship we’ve ever had.

It’s alive within our core and knows we’re here for something grander, more vibrant and magical than what has come before.

Our fire is what landed us here and it continues to seek what it came for. It keeps us accountable to our aspirations and inspirations.

Always on the look-out, always dreaming, knowing there is so much more to be experienced so much more to give and receive. 🤓

We might wonder if it’s to be trusted. Will it steer us out of control, get us into trouble? So many have second-guessed and dampened their fire and thus stayed in place, making due, plugging away.

Know that our fire is here to evolve us, push us past edges, across thresholds, and through portals. 

Our fire is here for our expansion into a more vibrant, thriving existence! 🌎⚡️💚

It’s also dynamic, hungry, and seeks oxygen. Best practice for holistic fire management is to give it space and support to move, explore and express within a safe container.

Our fire is at the heart of our superpower and our soul purpose! ⚡️💚⚡️

May we -

Nurture our embers
Practice healthy fire expression
Allow it to ignite in resonance with our soul and . . .

Witness our most amazing life expansion continue to unfurl!

How are you playing with your own inner fire today?

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