Raising Young Star Kids with Cathleen King

Cathleen is a pioneering quantum healer and Starseed mama to two amazing Star Kids.  

Here are a few of the topics we cover together in this episode: 

⭐️ The inevitable up-leveling that happens to mamas raising multidimensional kiddos
⭐️ How the practices of self-resourcing and self-regulation become daily tools (Cathleens shares an epic example)
⭐️ Processing out-of-the-box education choices
⭐️ A magical message from her 11-year-old daughter

Learn more about Cathleen's 'Create Your Brain State' work at https://www.cathleenking.com/

To glean more insight on Star Kids, how they're showing up, why they're here and how to guide them in their early years the sign up for the free Raising Starseeds Series

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