Journey to Zero Waste -- New beginnings

Journey to Zero Waste next step

A significant layer of aligned family living naturally leads to balanced planetary living.  

Like many of us I've read articles, and books and watched movies about people who have upped their re-using, re-purposing, and refusing and reduced their consumption and waste.  In the face of the Zero Waste concept, I've felt both inspired and motivated and also overwhelmed and paralyzed. 

This season I'm recommitting myself to being inspired!  :) 

Knowing the huge value of making commitments within a like-minded and like-hearted group I recently pitched an idea to a local friend and together we organized a community series we call Journey to Zero Waste.  

Our first gathering met last week and we indeed found renewed hope and inspiration together.  I highly recommend starting a group of your own or joining us next month if you're in the Columbia Gorge region. 

There are so many areas to take action on when it comes to reducing waste -- that's where overwhelm has gotten to me in the past.  For my initial shifts, I decided to focus on food & grocery shopping.  

On the heels of last week's gathering I'm taking these steps this week:  

  • setting up my shopping system including reusable bags & glass jars for bulk buying -- AND putting it all in the trunk ahead of time
  • re-committing to buying direct from local farmers via a CSA or getting to a farmer's market once a week 
  • choosing bulk buying whenever possible (not just sometimes) & using my bags & jars :)
  • more intentional meal planning & strategically shopping from the plan list
  • sticking to a food budget so we're better at eating up what we purchase each week
  • taking inventory of what's in my cupboards & meal planning with what I've already invested in (yes I see you, bag of lasagne pasta that has been sitting in the back of the pantry forever!)

Whew!  This is going to feel good!  And that's actually an important piece.  I also intend to pause at every step and feel how good it's going to feel to make these shifts.  That will help me reprogram any negative bias that may be running in my system.  Negative programming often shows up as that little voice piping up to say, "What can one person accomplish."  "The issues are so big, this is a drop in the ocean,"  blah, blah, blah.

The truth is one person making a shift  --- AND pausing to sensate into how good it feels every step of the way emits an energetic frequency that ripples out to the whole in invisible yet significant ways.  I'm talking about the emanation of elevated emotions such as gratitude, appreciation, and joy --- those are the big 3 I'm going for!

Who knows what seeds will be planted as I share my joy in my steps, talk about my journey, and join with others to be co-inspired.  Anything is possible, even Zero Waste! 

Keep a lookout for photos of my steps in action.  You'll help keep me accountable.  Thanks in advance!  :) 

And consider joining in.  What's one thing you can take inspired action on this week to lean into your journey towards zero waste?  Lmk!

