Akashic Alignment Reading
Now is the perfect time to sync up with the truth of who you are!
Have you ever felt there's so much more to you than your human awareness can contain but haven't found the path forward to that expanded knowing yet?
And instead find yourself caught in very human cycles of feeling:
- Stuck & Indecisive
- Alone & Unsupported
- Blocked & Limited
- Longing for Deeper Connection
- Desiring to Understand the Big Picture
- Wishing for Clarity to Move Forward
It's true, you have a treasure chest of Divine insight, resources, and knowledge within!
Your Akashic Records hold the key to knowing your True Nature and are only a vibration away.
Recieving Soul-level awarness, revealed in an Soul Alignment Reading results in inner activations of higher connection, ah-ha moments of self-knowing, and life path clarity.
An Soul Alignment Reading reveals:

Soul Gifts
Learn about your Energetic Signature & how to infuse your true essence into eveyday life.

Your Big Why
Gain clarity on your life purpose, energetic resources & ways to maintian alignment.

Galactic Lineage
Connect with your Soul Family & where in the Universe you began this adventure.
Soul Profile Readings include:
- One MP3 Audio File of your Reading delivered to your inbox in 5-10 days of purchase.
- Immediate access to an introduction audio to prepare you for the information to come.
- Remote Energy Clearing on a challenge of your choice
- 1 - on - 1, 30 minute Q & A Zoom call to be scheduled after your reading.
“My reading with Karen was a game changer for me. I see myself in a whole new light and am able to align myself more easily with my true role on this planet instead of questioning myself." -- Leah
Here's how it works:

Submit Intake Form . . .
Upon purchase I'll send you a questionaire to complete. I'll use your information to connect with your Higher Self, access your Akashic Records and inquire into pertainent infromation regarding your Divine Soul Blueprint. I'll also perform and energy clearing treatment related to a specific challenge of your choice.

Prepare for your Reading . . .
Upon purchase you'll receive an email with an introduction audio. Listen to the file with beginner's mind. Set your intention to patiently wait for your reading knowing that it will arrive at just the right time with just the right information to support you at this time.

Within 5-10 days of purchase I'll record the results of your reading and energy clearing treatment and send them to you via email. Carve out time and space to listen with your full attention. I'll also share a link to book our Zoom call. Schedule as soon as possible and bring any questions coming up.
“Such a gift to receive. Ahh. I have been floating in all of this and have had so many awakenings or illuminations the last couple of days. So grateful!" ”
“Karen holds the most sacred of containers for energy work and major soul growth and transformation. I can’t recommend this amazing soul more highly.”
START HERE Soul Alignment Reading
One MP3 Audio File
30 Min Zoom Call
Continuing Akashic Guidance
Available after you've received a Soul Alignment Reading with Karen.
Your Life Purpose is waiting to be activated.
No need to wait any longer for True Essence Awareness.
Your view of the world & your role in this big adventure will never be the same!
My name is Karen Murphy.
I support awakening lightworkers and starseeds seeking to align with their True Divine Nature.
Amazing humans like you seeking to:
- Clarify their Soul Purpose
- Embody their Divine Essence
- Experience more Joy & Peace
- And Re-source themselves in ways that resonate
Together, through my readings & sessions we:
- Clear emotional and energetic blocks
- Energetically re-pattern
- and Re-align you to your Higher-Self Awareness
The Result?
New Energy, Confidence, Tools & Strategies to be:
- Resilient in the face of challenge
- Strong in yourTruth
- and On Track to expand into the Highest and Best Versions of yourself
Here's to your evolution!