Considering Homeschooling? This is for you!

homeschooling webinar invite

For any mamas & papas pondering what it would take to homeschool next season but are stymied by how to balance home life & work -- I get it.  That was me too about 10 years ago. 

When I became a single mom overnight on a single income I had no idea how to offer home-learning to my kids but they let me know in numerous ways that out of the box learning was the best route for them so we figured it out.  Now at ages 15 & 20 I can say without a doubt that it was one of the best decisions we made.  I'll share more of our story soon!

In the meantime, two of my fellow homeschooling mum friends recently offered this talk to share their stories & how they've created location-independent income to support family freedom.  As a mum who has walked this path I highly recommend checking it out. 😊