Quantum Family Inspiration

Do you innately Move or Be Still?


I just stepped out of my new movement practice and I'm inspired to express this message. 

Often we're born movers or stillness-ers.  We each gravitate one way or another to come back home to self.   

Movers can be introverts or extroverts.  Stillness-ers can be either as well. 

It has to do with how your physiology syncs up best with your spirit.  

I'm a natural Stillness-er.  My favorite, most memorable times as a child were laying flat on the grass or alfalfa or beach and gazing at the sky…

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What if your only obligation is this?

I heard him say just loudly enough for me to hear, "The only thing I owe you is my freedom."

I cringed when I first heard his words, believing them to be selfish and cruel, unconcerned about others. 

"Oh, that's not selfish."  I blurted out, realizing what he'd actually meant.  "If all I owe others is my freedom, what I'm really saying is that my every action comes from within me and has no hidden agenda, demands no reciprocation, and carries no expectations.  Whatever I do, then, can only be…

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Birth doesn't wait


One night, 17 years ago I felt that first telltale wave of energy move through my body and knew my baby was coming.
Typical Aries, he was 3 weeks early and I wasn't ready.

It wasn't good timing.
There was a big rainstorm in the external and a big heart-storm in my internal.
I whispered my requests to this young one,
'not tonight, please not tonight, how about next week'?
He said nope and carried on.

The storms converged in my body for 8 hours.
I gave myself over to the birthing process
Got loud a…

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Raising Starseed Series with Leah Rupp

Enjoy my rich conversation on raising multi-dimensional kids with Leah Rupp, Parent Support Coach, Astrologist, and Human Design guide.   It begins and ends with her recent poem.

Lean into Leah's work on her site: https://leahrupp.com/
&  instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leahrayrupp/

Follow the Quantum Family Podcast on iTunes


or Stitcher  

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Raising Young Star Kids with Cathleen King

Cathleen is a pioneering quantum healer and Starseed mama to two amazing Star Kids.  

Here are a few of the topics we cover together in this episode: 

⭐️ The inevitable up-leveling that happens to mamas raising multidimensional kiddos
⭐️ How the practices of self-resourcing and self-regulation become daily tools (Cathleens shares an epic example)
⭐️ Processing out-of-the-box education choices
⭐️ A magical message from her 11-year-old daughter

Learn more about Cathleen's 'Create Yo…

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Raising a Star Child Newborn with Jannie Shaffer

Tune into my chat with Jannie Shaffer.  We talk about awakening to motherhood in the newborn experience and what it is to usher an amazing high-frequency soul into the human experience.

>Connect with Jannie at Contribution Creative.

To glean more insight on Star Kids, how they're showing up, why they're here and how to guide them in their early years the sign up for the free Raising Starseeds Series. 


Stay connected by following the Quantum Famil…

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Raising Star Kid Teens with Wyld Lee

Tune into my chat with Wyld Lee sharing our experiences raising Star Kid young adults.  

Connect with Wyld at Wyld Lee Tarot
& listen in to her podcast at the Wyld Lee Tarot podcast

To glean more insight on Star Kids, how they're showing up, why they're here and how to best guide them through to the teen years join the free Raising Starseeds Series.  

Stay connected by following the Quantum Family Podcast on Spotify and iTunes.  

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